How to Make the Most out of Your Telemedicine Appointment – Our Guide

Now that social distancing mandates are being carried out across the globe, even routine checkups and doctor’s appointments have become a challenge. Patients and healthcare professionals found a workaround and now telemedicine appointments are the norm. While telemedicine may sound intimidating, it really just means having your regular doctor’s appointment over an online video call instead of in-person.

If you have not done a telemedicine appointment before, here are some tips on how to make the most out of it:

Test your devices prior to the appointment. 

During the call, you want to make sure that you’re communicating your symptoms clearly. It’s important that you first test your microphone and/or camera to ensure that nothing glitches while you’re consulting your healthcare provider. You can do this by checking your computer, smartphone, or tablet’s control panel area. It also helps to close any other programs that are running to ensure that your device will not slow down. Of course, you must also make sure that you have a stable internet connection. 

Prepare in advance.

Telemedicine appointments seem to go faster because you’re doing away with the travel, time in the waiting room, and interactions with other medical staff. Because of this, you have less time to gather your thoughts before jumping into your interaction with your physician. It would help to sit down and sort out your goals before the appointment. Organize your thoughts on a piece of paper so you can refer to them when you’re speaking with your provider. You also may want to have the same information ready that you would at an in-person appointment, like your current symptoms, medications, test results, and allergies.

Set the scene.

You don’t want any distractions when you’re conversing with your healthcare provider. Find a place in your home that will give you a measure of privacy and a secure connection. The area should be quiet and well-lit, as well as have equipment that allows you to have the camera at eye level. That way, you can have a direct conversation with your care provider as if you were in the same room as them.

Take notes.

During the call itself, make sure to write down any directions or treatment plans your provider dispenses. You won’t have a physical prescription at the end of the appointment, you’ll need to have a pen and paper at the ready, or have access to your electronic medical chart if possible. What’s more, your healthcare provider may confirm medications and allergies as well as pharmacy, so they know where to send the electronic prescription. 

At this time, we’re still doing nearly 100% telemedicine visits. We are still accepting new patients via telemedicine or virtual visits and accept most medical insurances. Get in touch with us today at Well Life Medicine for any questions and concerns. For appointments with our  healthcare providers in Oregon, call or text 971-301-4411 to schedule.